Sonoran Videogame Society

About the Substack

Playing and exploring video games with friends in the desert

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About Dylan Cornelius

Fun-loving mystic and all-around optimist. Writing about retro games since 2010. You are deeply loved.

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Sonoran Videogame Society's recommended Substacks

Retro XP logo
Marc Normandin

Retro XP

Retro analysis, reviews, and thoughts on video games you've played before

free subscribers
Telios Music logo
Alexander Hellene

Telios Music

Where Music Matters

Nintendo is Great logo
Dylan Cornelius

Nintendo is Great

Exploring every game ever released on a Nintendo console in chronological order, from the NES to the Switch. Thoughts and prayers are appreciated.

Manipulate๐Ÿ•น, Moonsplain๐ŸŒ™, Murder-Bears๐Ÿงธ logo
Luke T. Harrington

Manipulate๐Ÿ•น, Moonsplain๐ŸŒ™, Murder-Bears๐Ÿงธ

I'm an award-winning horror and humor writer in Madison, WI, and this is my blog. Subscribe to read both my books for free.

Nerd Central logo
John Murphy

Nerd Central

A journal of my video game journey over the years. What I like, what I don't like and overall thoughts about the various games I play.