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About DeepFish

Some schlub

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Red’s Substack logo
Red Herring

Red’s Substack

Local Teacher avoids Local Teacherdom through deranged ravings on Tumblr 2.x. Help me not take high school plagiarism too seriously by validating me here. I'll share mayo recipes if you'd like and waive the consultation for you, my darling reader.

The Farce Feed logo
Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

The Farce Feed

Subversive satire with original art, roasting mainstream media, modern absurdities and overt government corruption. "A brighter shade of yellow journalism."

free subscribers
Red’s Substack logo

Red’s Substack

Welcome readers. I am Red, a rare Stephens Island Frog currently on a slow tour of NZ having left my sanctuary driven by a need to comment on the state of the world and particularly NZ.

A Legend In His Own Minefield logo
John Mendelssohn

A Legend In His Own Minefield

Politics, popular culture, sports, self-help, self-sabotage, and satire from the greatest writer in the English language, or at least someone whose work you're likely to enjoy.