A collection of life stories written by 3 mothers, living on 3 continents, delivered to you 3 times per week. Our friendship inspired our original Medium.com publication, which is now gaining global traction on Substack and inspires mothers worldwide.
Full Stack Enthusiast and mother of 3 littles. Curious, bookaholic, and travel addict. Writing on tech, parenting, and travel. Occasional fiction pieces and poetry.
This newsletter is to empower freelance writers and entrepreneurs of ILLUMINATION community both on Substack and Medium using our publications.
Dancing Elephants Press--outstanding stories from the best writers on the web. We're all about positivity and the best of life hacks. Expect to hear from us each week.
ILLUMINATION Substack community supports writers to grow their audience with collaboration. We offer a three-tier service model, free for beginners, a $5 subscription for freelancers, and founding member support for entrepreneurs.
Exclusive and educative content for premium members.paying $5 monthly fee.