Practical, Inspirational, Life-Changing: creating a truer and more empowering narrative of your life.
I'm an essayist, storyteller, song poet, and fierce activist for those who have been injured by abuse, and those who dream of a better world for themselves and others.
A collection of tall tales from a short woman. If you love unhinged stories (that are completely true), peeking into the ramblings of a messy mind and watching a budding author bloom... this is the place for you.
Weekly waymarkers to keep you caring about life, yourself, and what matters.
Musings from an overactive mind. Gallows humor and overthinking since...actually, I can't remember when I wasn't this way.
An ongoing conversation about the daily mess of life: Family, politics, books, teaching, writing, journalism - and dogs, always dogs. In my world, hope is a fact.
A newsletter from Gillian Eilidh O'Mara, Scottish artist, writer and children's book creator. Thoughts on the beauty in uncertainty.