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Thunder Pie

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Throat Punch Essays

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  • Free writing I worked really hard on. You can leave comments. Probably once a month.

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  • Between 4-6 Subscriber-only posts per month and full archive!
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About Serge Bielanko

Writer. Rocker. Husband. Dad.

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Thunder Pie's recommended Substacks

Letter to You logo
Arle Bielanko

Letter to You

Walking on a sunburnt sky.

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Damienโ€™s Newsletter logo
Damien Smethurst

Damienโ€™s Newsletter

Mental health, politics, sport, global warming, and whatever else takes my fancy

Cheryl Strayed's Dear Sugar logo
Cheryl Strayed

Cheryl Strayed's Dear Sugar

This is the home of two newsletters. Paid subscribers get Cheryl's Dear Sugar Letter monthly, plus her free newsletter several times a year, which includes her "Tells Us" author series. Free subscribers get everything but the monthly Dear Sugar Letter.

free subscribers
Open Mike:  logo
Mike June

Open Mike:

The newsletter and musings of songwriter Mike June

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Kevin M. Levin

Civil War Memory

Reflections on the History and Legacy of America's Bloodiest and Most Divisive Conflict

paid subscribers
free subscribers