Jayne Schroeder's work has appeared in Scary Mommy, Grown and Flown, The Manifest-Station, & elsewhere. She's currently working on a memoir about the parallels of divorcing a career military aviator and raising an adult son with a complex disability.
Jayne Schroeder's work has appeared in Scary Mommy, Grown and Flown, The Manifest-Station, & elsewhere. She's currently working on a memoir about the parallels of divorcing a career military aviator and raising an adult son with a complex disability.
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Stephanie Land is the New York Times bestselling author of MAID and CLASS. She has the unexpected day job of a public speaker and continues to write about and advocate for survivors and people who parent under the poverty line.
a newsletter that explores the braided experience of mother, lover and self. personal essays & conversations on sex, death, love, loss, parenthood, paradigms, identity, culture and coming of age. written by rebecca woolf with special guests.
For people who do language. Writing saved my life—so I teach writing as if it might save yours.