S.E.Bourne’s Newsletter

About the Substack

My writing isn't high art. It's more of an experiment. The Podcast is just for a laugh.

About S.E. Bourne

S.E. Bourne's writing is cut to the bone, covering the themes of childhood, the natural world, dreamscapes, and aging.


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S.E.Bourne’s Newsletter's recommended Substacks

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Mike’s Substack

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My Favorite Classical Music

Thursday highlights about a classical piece or composer along with Saturday classical picks for a beautiful start to your weekend.

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Walter Rhein

I'd Rather Be Writing

My perspective is never given equal representation in the mainstream media. I believe character matters. I believe the experts. I believe in education. I believe women. Let me know if you have a story to tell.

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Ricky Hale

Council Estate Media

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People's CDC

People's CDC

Receive updates about the pandemic and how to build collective power to reduce the harmful impacts of COVID-19.

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