Seasons of Story is an online literary journal and community, devoted to books, art, creativity and seasonal delights. Welcome!
Hello! I'm Miranda Mills, a writer and YouTuber and the founder of the Substack journal, Seasons of Story. A passionate reader, I create content that fosters connection between literature, art and the natural world. Welcome!
The Quiet Life is for people who love quiet, depth, and beauty, and is read in all 193 countries and all 50 U.S. states. Join us for art, ideas, consolations, and candlelight chats. You'll never be forced to do anything groupy.
I write books, short stories, personal essays, and skits (mostly cat skits). I love a good story and audio. This page is for stories in different forms. It's like a library of me.
My journal x my Notes app - mostly books, food, interiors, shopping, home life, plus observations and enthusiasms.
Delicious things to eat, wear, cook and do. A lifestyle scrapbook (of sorts) by Skye McAlpine.