Adventures of an unconventional woman after she raised her family.
Rancher in the dusty lands of New Mexico
Landlord in the complex housing business of New Mexico
Designer of beautiful things.
Author of The Other Side Of The River
Author of The Rental Rollercoaster
My reflections on the Spirit of the Age. I explore the political underpinnings of our 21st c. Zeitgeist; the rise of its 'Social Justice' religion and victimhood cults. Plus occasional posts on more cheery stuff.
A wide lane of fiction, culture, and the Indie experience. Humor is tucked in the corners. I'm also a closet MBA who occasionally dabbles in business stuff.
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The FAQ on how to find an agent and how to write books, all in one place.
Resources, news, and stories for and about writers. Written by the Substack team.