Welcome to The New Now. I publish manifestos, essays, prose poems, novel chapters, short stories, noir prose poems, and flash fiction. I also touch on living through these historical times, quotes on life, writing, books, and freedom of thought.
Greetings. I write poems, manifestos, flash fiction, and essays. On my stack, you'll find my nonfiction book, The New Now / Manifestos, Reinventions & Declarations. Drop by and give my new podcast a listen.
Howdy, I write about issues affecting sex workers, including local and national policies, stigma, and lateral whorephobia. I also write historical fiction about 19th century sex workers in the Midwest.
Telling stories, combating insanity, and talking to humans.
Under Project 2025, Christian nationalists plan to undermine the constitution and overthrow our checks and balances system when Trump takes the Oval Office. Time to suit up and save our world, Democracy Defenders!