"AI Weekly Digest" is your essential AI briefing, curated by Rubén Colomer, GP at Next Tier Ventures. Stay ahead of the curve with the latest AI breakthroughs, key funding news, and exclusive events.
GP at Next Tier Ventures - AI Venture fund | Former co-founder and Acceleration program director at @PlugandPlayES & Former @Gohubventures Investment Manager
A 10-year AI engineer from Beijing shares industry analysis and technical insights on AI, with at least two articles updated daily.
The VC Corner delivers quick and insightful updates about the startup and venture capital landscape every week
La newsletter mensual para estar al día con la inteligencia artificial
A newsletter on AI insights for business leaders, board members, and investors. Get concise, actionable tools and news to elevate your strategy and decision-making.
Descubre cómo la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) está transformando la vida de todos, desde la forma en que trabajamos y nos comunicamos hasta mejorar nuestra calidad de vida. Explora la influencia significativa que la IA tiene en nuestras vidas.