Big Tech and startups, from the inside. Highly relevant for software engineers and managers, useful for those working in tech.
Writing The Pragmatic Engineer. Previously at Uber, Skype, Microsoft. Author of The Software Engineer's Guidebook.
The number of free subscribers for The Pragmatic Engineer over time since it was added to the directory.
Tech industry career and leadership advice from an ex-Amazon GM and Tech Director.
Learn about end-to-end Data Systems and stay up to date with what is happening in the Data World.
Sharing the journey from Software Engineering Employee to Entrepreneur. Hard-earned lessons to Motivate you. And some Memes for the laughs.
Explain complex systems with simple terms, from the authors of the best-selling system design book series. Join over 1,000,000 friendly readers.
The people skills you need to turn your potential into performance in Tech. Lessons from Google, Uber, and startups.