Patris’s Substack

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Patris’s Substack's recommended Substacks

Michael R. Burch’s Substack logo
Michael R. Burch

Michael R. Burch’s Substack

This is the Substack of Michael R. Burch with some of his very best poems and translations.

Animal Politics with Ed Boks logo
Ed Boks

Animal Politics with Ed Boks

To share and discuss proven no-kill strategies for animal shelters and communities; and explore the intersection of animals and politics, covering topics such as animal welfare legislation, advocacy, and the political landscape surrounding animal issues.

From the Roots of the Tanglewood logo
Sandy Shaller

From the Roots of the Tanglewood

I wander through the Tanglewood and the leaves and roots speak to me. I write down the stories they tall.

The Things That Shape Us logo
Pete Damon

The Things That Shape Us

Poetry about everyday events, observations and milestones.

The Borowitz Report logo
Andy Borowitz

The Borowitz Report

Home of Truth

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