literary & artworks & other inspirations from writer / artist / outlaw, pan ellington.
trolley dodger in da bay
Barry Lee's mostly monthly newsletter where they share their art, things that inspire them, and what's happening in their life.
Essays, stories & sundry curiosities | Home of the serial novel "Lamb" - "The Books We ❤️ Club" - and COMING SOON: "The Road to Published" - a monthly foray into independent publishing
A delightful weekly newsletter that is sometimes hilarious, sometimes poignant & often full of useful recommendations & weirdly enchanting ideas
Qstack ❤️🍊💛💚💙💜 | The LGBTQIA+ Directory, Community & Platform on Substack - SUBSCRIBE for bi-monthly updates of queer links, interviews, and stories.
A monthly newsletter to let you know that your favourite comedian/chanteuse/reality TV star is doing okay.