Raising Consciousness and Empowering Creative Change Makers Who Dare to Create a Better Life and a Better World.
Author, Speaker, Spiritual Teacher and Mentor. Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach and Self-Esteem Coach.
Interfaith/Interspiritual Minister and author, Lauryn Axelrod, "The Radical Reverend," digs deep into all things spiritual. No dogma. No doctrine. No woo-woo. Just radical, relevant spirituality for the real world.
"JOY is the laughter of angels." -- Elizabeth Clare Prophet - Gardens of the Heart Booklet: Joy
Embark on a voyage of self-awareness and inner growth, embracing the path of conscious evolution.
Somos um grupo de estudos. Reunimos e discutimos pesquisas, fatos e curiosidades sobre física quântica, filosofia, espiritualidade e fenômenos paranormais. Estimulamos e convidamos você para conhecer a Verdade. Estamos conectados!