Najah Amatullah Hylton, M.A. Lit, writes about life and literature, produces poems and prose about Black history and cultural topics, rates and reviews media, books, art, social life, and community, deciding what's glitter and what's gold.
I'm a writer who loves poetry the most. I'm here for people who need a bridge to their creative self, to their emotions, to their history, into themselves, or out of themselves toward others. I AM a bridge and art is my bridge.
Spiritual art supplies, straight to your inbox. Brought to you by Creative Spirit Work.
A corner of Substack for the Black community. We can call this a little safe hub F.U.B.U.
There are a lot of things we need to get Liberated from. You know it and I know it. Engaged Liberation is less about self-help and more about communal-health. Let's dive in, let's get free!