A newsletter by a comedian and comedy writer about video games, movies, politics, and usually the world's deepest well of sadness. Dive into the well. By clicking subscribe, not actually diving.
writer for television, video games, and comics. stand-up comedian. wrote a whole book about Silent Hill 2. Email: mikedruckerisdead @ gmail dot com
The number of free subscribers for At the Mountains of Sadness over time since it was added to the directory.
Kristen Bartlett is trying to make herself leave the house to do fun things. Things like: Visit museums. Go to a beach & not immediately leave! Have fun! But what she really wants to do is stay home and cook. This Substack is about both those things.
I'm a poet, self-help author, novelist, kettlebell athlete, and pop culture nerd. Likely you know me from one of these descriptions if you're here. Hopefully, I'll share the rest of my world with you.
A collection of writerly updates, tangents, and panic attacks. I also watch a lot of TV.