Midlife Faith is a group for Christian women who are looking for encouragement and hope in the hard stuff of life--adult (ish) children, the (nearly) empty nest, aging parents, job transitions, divorce, church challenges, health issues, and more.
Christ follower, midlifer, member of Redbud Writers' Guild, praying mama, author, educator, editor, speaker.
Notes on living shalomsick. * Shalom /SHəˈlōm/ : wholeness, restoration, completeness, flourshing *Homesick /ˈhōmˌsik/ : a longing for home *Shalomsick /SHəˈlōm,sik/ : a deep longing for wholeness, restoration, completeness and flourishing
Helping you chase God's glory down life's unexpected trails
The Sage Forum exists to equip, encourage, and empower women over 40 to mature in faith and grow in wisdom.