Michelle’s Midheaven

About the Substack

At Michelle's Midheaven, I'm sharing my love for ancient astrology, the cosmos and the many gods, daimons, heroes, and souls within it.
I'm also a co-founder of Astrum Opus, an astro-zine here on Substack. Join me there as well for more!

Free Subscription Benefits

  • You will receive my monthly Newmoonsletter via email and occasional posts.

Paid Subcription Benefits

  • You will receive my monthly Newmoonsletter via email.
  • You will receive generous discounts for my workshops, classes, and events.
  • You will receive a 10% discount when scheduling a reading with me.

Paid Subscription Plans

  • €50 a year
  • €5 a month

About Michelle Corbesier

Consulting astrologer and teacher at Michelle's Midheaven / Writer at Astrum Opus on Substack / Artist / Dreamer

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