Thoughts on financial markets and economics from Simplify's Chief Strategist
Michael is Chief Strategist and Portfolio Manager for Simplify Asset Management. Michael has been noted for his work as a market theoretician and financial media participant. He is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and a CFA holder.
Peter is the Chief Investment Officer at Bleakley Financial Group and is a CNBC contributor. Each day The Boock Report provides summaries and commentary on the macro data and news that matter, with analysis of what it all means and how it fits together.
Developed from award-winning market research, The Lead-Lag Report gives you powerful market insights to improve your long-term investment strategy.
Observations, opinions and insights on stocks, companies and the markets. Always flying red flags – and a few green ones, too!
Thought provoking commentary focused on financial markets, behavior, consumerism, culture, and economics from Aaron David Garfinkel, Real Estate and Macro Analyst.