A weekly letter for the frantic strivers, serial doers, and weary achievers. We're learning the goodness of rest, the practice of prayer, and the miracle of going slow.
Author, Prayer nerd, Poet, Speaker, Reader, Mom of three boys, Down syndrome advocate, Podcaster, Believer, Skeptic, Kombucha fermenter, Sunset connoisseur.
The number of free subscribers for The Slow Way over time since it was added to the directory.
A newsletter about God, science, faith, theology, and other learnings.
The Sage Forum exists to equip, encourage, and empower women over 40 to mature in faith and grow in wisdom.
The intersection of late-diagnosed neurodivergence and healing from high-control environments. Also, combatting Christian fascism!
Theology, poetry, reflections, and restful meditations from a Black man in process