Tales of Lohr

About the Substack

Thoughts on music, movies, and the arts from a professional strong-opinion haver

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About Matt R. Lohr

When people ask me what my dream job would be, I say I can't answer that question, because "Fran Lebowitz" isn't really a job description.

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Tracy Rigdon

The Wise Crackers Desk

The Contrast Project is a significant independent talk show in North Florida, focusing on various topics. You'll also find Notes from the Wise Crackers Desk here.

Writers As Heroes logo
Phil Tanny

Writers As Heroes

The purpose of Writers As Heroes is to encourage discussion in the Substack community regarding how we can further enhance Substack by adding a public service component to this network.

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Matthew Brady

Warren Peace - Reviewing Comics, Film, TV, and More!

Regularly publishing reviews and commentary on pop culture, focusing on comics, but also including movies, TV, anime, books, video games, and whatever else I feel like discussing. Occasional reposts from my blog, Warren Peace Sings the Blues.

Ninki Substack by Margaret Bennett logo
Margaret Bennett

Ninki Substack by Margaret Bennett

Thanks for joining me. I'm hoping to post every fortnight. It will be a buffet, but hopefully one with good salads and homemade delights rather than a beige banquet. I don't want your money honey, I want your love. Please do comment. Thanks

Thaddeus Thomas, author of literary fantasy logo
Thaddeus Thomas

Thaddeus Thomas, author of literary fantasy

Short and serialized stories from the author of The Last Temptation of Winnie-the-Pooh; Detective, 26 AD; and Steampunk Cleopatra.