Writing Wednesdays is a leading newsletter that helps Substack writers find their voice, grow their audience, and build a profitable writing career.
I write to inspire, entertain, and avoid doing laundry. But every week, you can expect a newsletter about how I built a profitable writing career.
ILLUMINATION Substack community supports writers to grow their audience with collaboration. We offer a three-tier service model, free for beginners, a $5 subscription for freelancers, and founding member support for entrepreneurs.
The Quiet Life is for people who love quiet, depth, and beauty, and is read in all 193 countries and all 50 U.S. states. Join us for art, ideas, consolations, and candlelight chats. You'll never be forced to do anything groupy.
I will help you live with less stress and more freedom by improving every aspect of your lifestyle – money, work, productivity, relationships.