A place that celebrates stories, books, writing and writers. Exclusive content from writer and Welsh borderlands dweller Math Bird, including stories, flash fiction, articles, podcasts, writing insights, book news and updates.
Writer, storyteller, book lover and Welsh borderlands dweller
On writing, living with cats, being a widow, movies, running, my current workshops & what we are reading, books, art, comedy, nature, gardening, friendship, more.
Articles exploring crime fiction--the genre, history, authors--and what it all means for our world.
I have written over twenty books, including seventeen novels, and won the Booker Prize for fiction. Words are my faith, novels my passion, great novelists my paragons of truth. You might think I should get out more. You are right.
by Jay Rothermel If you enjoy exploring the shadows and diving into lesser-known corners of the horror genre, then Reading After Dusk is the blog for you.