Mom to 2 wonderful kids, caregiver to parents, Sober & creative. Let's laugh & cry together!!
Author of the soon to be released poetry book Whispers Of A Wayward Soul.
Mom to 2 wonderful kids. Published my first book of Whispers Of A Wayward Soul. I am in recovery & my journey does define a lot of who I am. I look forward to sharing & hope that there are many laughs & just a few tears.
A weekly nudge to help you hear your inner whisper and gain the courage to follow it. Useful ideas from the latest science served with a dash of hope and a dollop of intuitive wisdom.
Jenny Mollen Biggs and Diablo Cody take turns asking each other personal questions. It's sort of like truth or dare where you can only pick truth.
Ravioli recipes, Moroccan hotel tours, parenting and random chats, The Best Friend Experience is a rabbit hole ride through my brain, sliding down every ex-boyfriend tale synapse and traversing Chanel-quilted nerve endings.