An insider's view to all things books, ballet, classical music, Jewish culture, and social justice.
Martha Anne Toll's debut novel THREE MUSES won the Petrichor Prize for Finely Crafted Fiction and was shortlisted for the Gotham Book Prize. Her 2d novel DUET FOR ONE, a musical love story, is out 5.6.25. Find Martha's work @NPR, @WaPo and elsewhere.
Find inspiration, humor, and (your own) wisdom in my stories about everyday life.
I tell it like it is, sharing my innermost thoughts on books and life, so we can all connect. I'm a HUGE book lover. I host podcast Moms Don't Have Time to Read Books, founded a publishing house, own an indie bookstore, and am an author. Convinced?!
Thursday highlights about a classical piece or composer along with Saturday classical picks for a beautiful start to your weekend.
An ongoing archive of my personal essays and short stories.
Books & book-adjacent topics, taking the long view, the writing life, and related resources. Posts every 5-6 days.