Let there be rule-breaking enlightened queer award-winning writing & video about love as a practice! Including memoir, the fae gender, spirituality and poetry. Releasing the barriers to joy! Because we can. We really really can.
Skylar Lyralen Kaye, fae/faer, is a queer award winning writer, actor & director committed to peace and justice. Web site: www.lyralenkaye.com. Web series: www.YouTube.com/c/anothercountrytv. Memoir: I Am Orpheus, 2025.
Qstack ❤️🍊💛💚💙💜 | The LGBTQIA+ Directory, Community & Platform on Substack - SUBSCRIBE for bi-monthly updates of queer links, interviews, and stories.
Rewilded Anthropologist. Writing about the world from my ethnographic heart. Just another queer nerd loose in UK society. Here, you'll find whimsy, peak nerdery, poetry, cultural commentary, cringe. I embrace my own incoherence and I welcome yours.
I write and motivate, therefore I am. Here I share my writing journey, with the hope that i can motivate and empower fellow writers and artists to be the best they can be.
You are welcome here if you're LGBTQ+, an ally, or just curious about a nonbinary writer's experience. I share relatable weekly true stories about what it's like to be trans and nonbinary, hiking, travel, martial arts, and building community!