Welcome to The Liberated Woman, an oasis for those who want to break free from the relentless cycle of toxic productivity in our careers, homes, or relationships and find more joy.
I'm an executive coach for women in leadership who want to go from over-working and under-living to uncompromising personal and professional
fulfilment. My book, "Women Who Work Too Much," offers insights on escaping toxic productivity.
Carly is a registered Paediatric Occupational Therapist (OT) with a specialist interest in 0-5s. This space is for the adults in the lives of children interested in play for building brains, nurturing nervous systems & promoting development.
A newsletter for those who are hypno-curious. My name is Rachel from Rachel Clarke Therapy and I am a CBT Hypnotherapist, Coach and Supervisor. My aims are to educate, de-mystify and extoll the virtues of hypnotherapy.
a shapeshifting journal by Yrsa Daley-Ward, author of bone, The Terrible, THE HOW and THE CATCH!!!!
Exploring the human side of life as a creative, one messy thought at a time.