An expansive exploration of literature, from Kafka to infinity...and beyond, casting light and shadows on our experiences as readers, writers, and human beings.
French writer based in London, Sorbonne-educated in literature and philosophy. Has worked on theatre productions of Shakespeare, Moliรจre, Beckett, and Koltรจs. A classic lit and cinema maniac.
Inside the world and mind of Melody Hansen; exploring art, imagination, surrealism, the human condition, with a spoonful of pop culture.
23K+ readers. Followers, please note that only free or paid subscribers receive our picks of the best-written books from US & UK prize shortlists & major reviews, & masterclasses by their (sometimes world-renowned) authors on prose style.
Short and serialized stories from the author of The Last Temptation of Winnie-the-Pooh; Detective, 26 AD; and Steampunk Cleopatra.