Letters on Marketing, Solopreneurship & Lifestyle Design.
Serial entrepreneur, marketing strategist, and digital writer. Minimalist marketing for online coaches and creators selling digital products and programs.
Learn how to write online, build your audience, and scale your income.
This is the weekly version of the Minimalist Hustler Daily. Get a weekly email with 21 quick & valuable resources that will help you make more money online.
Learn how to grow your blog slowly, while enjoying the act of writing. Stop 'hustling.' Stop posting on 48 platforms. Stop obsessing over views. Just write and enjoy.
The #1 Substack on how to make it rain with email, written by Sean Anthony. Weekly posts with proven tactics to help you start, grow, and make money from your email list. Subscribe for my free guide on how to get your first 1000 subscribers.
Daily tips to create (& monetize) your content in your spare time. Share your knowledge. Earn more. Build freedom.