Worlds of Kummer Wolfe

About the Substack

Hi! I’m CB “Kummer Wolfe” Ash. Here on “Worlds of Kummer Wolfe”, I write fantasy adventure and alternate history fiction, both with a dash of science fantasy thrown in for fun! Also, I share worldbuilding for my latest roleplaying game designs and more!

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  • Web serial fiction posts, posts on role playing game design, worldbuilding content for stories and games.

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  • Subscriber-only posts, such as rough drafts on stories and behind the scenes detailed role playing game mechanics

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  • $30 a year
  • $5 a month

About Kummer Wolfe

Writer, RPG game designer, worldbuilder, software architect and web developer. Explorer and inventor when I have time! Enjoys most any book, roleplaying game, and coffee!

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