a weekly window into my writing life – currently writing Bond, James Bond
Novelist. A SPY LIKE ME, expanding the world of James Bond for the Ian Fleming Estate, out April 2024.
A WILD & TRUE RELATION, following a woman who joins a smugglers' crew in 18th century Devon, out now with Virago.
Curation of Edinburgh life, news, culture and communities. Join 15,000+ locals on the mailing list to get a free 7am daily news roundup. Or help keep this going for a fiver a month. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Engagements with art, books, music, strictly following the pleasure principle. 'My Dolphin, you only guide me by surprise, a captive as Racine, the man of craft, drawn through his maze of iron composition by the incomparable wandering voice of Phèdre.'
Dear Writer is a love letter to writers, about writing, from a writer who is trying to learn how to nurture her own creativity.