A place of retreat from the bloomin' buzzin' world of ignorance, incivility, and conflict to explore philosophy, literature, history, and theology and celebrate (without fetishizing) the Great Tradition.
Retired philosophy professor & priest, Kerry is the author or editor of over 40 books and hundreds of articles. Several of his books have been translated; others have won awards. He writes on philosophy, literature, religion, and culture.
Finding goodness, truth and beauty in literature, art, and life.
A newsletter about the history behind today's politics.
The Substack page of Addison Hodges Hart. A page primarily - but not exclusively - focused on the interior life and ascetical theology of the Christian Tradition.
Exploring the Great Books of the Western World by Encyclopรฆdia Britannica. Reading each book slowly (few pages per week) and posting thoughts related to contemporary issues. Also posting the thoughts on AI chatbots to get a response.