Parenting while owning a business can be hectic but much more rewarding with a little time and dedication!
Creating something from nothing is a huge task to take on. Now add tiny humans that need your consistent attention.... Yup, stressful, but you can do it! Remember: Shine Bright ๐งก
Suggestions of what to wear for when you don't want to look anymore. I scroll so you don't have to.
Coffee Times is about writing, self-development and self-discovery. Start investing in yourself and associate with the right vibes to make the most out of your everyday life.
Apparently, kids grow up. A newsletter about parenting in the big kids years with a focus on tweens, trends and internet culture from a recovering mommy blogger who has always been VERY online.
Motivational advice from Author Nicole Dake. Parenting, self-help, spirituality, mental health.