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Rediscovered Realms

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The weekly (3,000+ subscriber) Fantasy newsletter that reconnects you with heroic fantasy worlds of your favorite books, epic games, unearthed magazines, forgotten gamebooks, movies and enchanting art - old school & new. 👑

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  • Best darn weekly fantasy newsletter you can find that will reinvigorate your soul with Imagination, Play & Discovery!

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  • 12 entries into monthly Epic Fantasy Loot Giveaways (over $1200 of value) + 12 Drawings for $10 DriveThruRPG Gift Cards
  • Access To Podcast Discussions For Every Newsletter Issue (for driving/working out, etc.)
  • Oh, and how about 12 EXTRA entries to use whenever you want for ANY giveaway? More info? 👉rediscoveredrealms.com/paid

About J.Q. Graziano

Heroic fantasy writer of Rediscovered Realms newsletter, passionately inspired by old-school gamebooks (Fighting Fantasy, Lone Wolf), Lord of the Rings, D&D, Indiana Jones, Conan the Barbarian – anything that evokes Discovery, Adventure & Heroism.

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