Introducing All Things Thrillers And History

About the Substack

Plenty of history, mysteries and legends, especially from the medieval era โš”๏ธ. In addition to history articles, Iโ€™ll also share a regular diary of my recent travels, research and book news. Expect lots of photos of ruined castles and abbeys ๐Ÿฐ

About John Paul Davis

International Bestselling Thriller & Historical Nonfiction Author โœ๏ธ
Active Member of International Thriller Writers (ITW). Associate Fellow of the Royal Historical Society โš”๏ธ
Truth seeker, history lover, mystery hunter, legend spreader ๐Ÿ“šโ›ฐ๏ธ๐Ÿฐ

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Introducing All Things Thrillers And History's recommended Substacks

David Pilling's History Stuff logo
David Pilling's History Stuff

David Pilling's History Stuff

My musings on history as and when I think of them. Usually medieval, occasional excursions into other periods. Writer of historical fic and nonfic, described by a friend as 'somewhat successful'.

Writing Medieval  logo
Jules Frusher

Writing Medieval

This will be the new home for Lady Despenser's Scribery and Medieval Bits, as well as updates and selected scenes from my novel about Hugh Despenser. Oh, and some tips on writing historical fiction and fact too! Come and explore another century!

Fair Thee Well logo

Fair Thee Well

Relaxed but informative weekly content specializing in the early Tudor, Wars of the Roses and Early Modern periods.

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Holly A Brown

Telling Their Tales

A space to share medieval history that isnโ€™t boring - and is about more than just kings and battles.

BadRedhead Media, LLCโ€™s All Things Book Marketing!  logo
BadRedheadMedia, LLC

BadRedhead Media, LLCโ€™s All Things Book Marketing!

A newsletter about the business of being a writer! Author platform tips, marketing, branding, and socials.

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