Joined Up Thinking by Yianni Agisilaou

About the Substack

1 - Life is meaningful. 2 - Sufficiently examining any one thing will indirectly teach you about everything. 3 - Everything is interesting if you're interested.

Free Subscription Benefits

  • Around 80% of my public posts. The feeling that you're getting something really good for nothing.

Paid Subcription Benefits

  • Full access to everything on the site.
  • A say in the direction of some series.
  • A feeling all its own: 50% selfless karmic glow and 50% "I've gone and got myself a bargain here" ego

Paid Subscription Plans

  • A$50 a year
  • A$5 a month

About Yianni Agisilaou

Stand Up Comedian.
Trained lawyer.
Neurodiverse (ADHD/ASD)

Conversations, situations, and revelations from my life and fascinations (Mathematics, Cosmology, Music, Sport, History)

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