Tropical agriculture, farming systems, distance running
Ex-ICRISAT,ILCA,WB. LA, Berkeley, Medford,Bamako, Segou, Waga, Niamey, Addis, Bethesda, el DF, Dhaka,Abidjan, Dakar,Dar, Rome, Santa Barbara, u.s.w;
Why has the world become more gender equal? Why are some societies more gender equal than others?
A newsletter for big-picture thinking about autocracy and threats to democracy around the world
I've covered everything from three wars, a few presidential campaigns, the Stonewall riots and the Rolling Stones. This column reflects that history and is about politics, culture, personal stories, and the nation's descent into anti-democratic madness.
Economic history, economics, political economy, finance, & forecasting. Here to try to make you (and me) smarter in a world with many increasingly deep & complicated troubles...