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Johjoh’s Newsletter

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My take on current events. My views on things that affect people.

About Johjoh

Writing from inspiration.
Writing from current events.
Writing about Positivity. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/johjoh7

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Johjoh’s Newsletter's recommended Substacks

Auraist: picking the best-written books of the month logo
Picking the best-written books

Auraist: picking the best-written books of the month

32K+ readers. Followers, please note that only free or paid subscribers receive our picks of the best-written books from US & UK prize shortlists & major reviews, & masterclasses by their (sometimes world-renowned) authors on prose style.

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free subscribers
Well of Inspiration logo
Donald Schuler

Well of Inspiration

Inspirational prose and parables based on scripture

Contemplations logo
Tahia Sherebanou Fakhri


Life and what it does to you

Seeing Things logo
Liza Donnelly

Seeing Things

New and unpublished drawings and thoughts for people who want to see more of life, from a New Yorker cartoonist. Drawings, cartoons, words, live drawing, process, more...

paid subscribers
free subscribers
Arty Har-Hars logo
Myq Kaplan

Arty Har-Hars

favorite writings, jokes, words, thoughts, poetry, ideas, and fun units of the day, week, and/or all time

free subscribers