Almanac newsletter of a life in progress | Memoir 👣 in real-time | Planet Prana Meditation Space 🕉️ News + Updates | Published 🌑🌓🌕 with the lunar cycles.
Human Being - A life in progress | Intuitive Self Healer | Meditation + Writing | Bereaved Mom + Wife | Sky Watcher + Earthmother ♎♊♐
Exploring the science, psychology, social context, and practice of embodiment
Writing with reverence and irreverence from the thresholds. Nature in/as all things.
Author and teacher Perdita Finn guides you through conversations with the unseen world.
How to Dance with Contradiction 🔥 Author of the bestseller Warrior Goddess Training 🔥 Firewalk Goddess and Fiery Leader 🔥 Land Steward and Lover of Trees 🔥 New book coming July 2024: Wild, Willing, and Wise