A place to explore what it means to be you and make it lighter to live there. Ponderings on life when sometimes it feels hard to truly be yourself, understanding where we meet those around us and the wider world.
Writer, meditator, cancer rebel, trans ally. Awake, curious & receptive to the world in all its glorious colour.
Refreshing Perspectives, Slices of Life. Highly Relatable, Profoundly Human 🍋💕
Ownership, property, and what is lost in the privatization of the commons.
A collection of the finest newsletters with fewer than 1,000 subscribers, with special love given to the under 500 subscriber stacks out there.
Slow reads of great books. Book guides and a reading community to help you get more from the best stories.
Cancer is increasingly becoming a mid life crisis rather than an end of life crisis. Dawn draws on close to three decades of personal and professional experience to explore the metabolism and mindset of life and longevity after cancer.