Create, read, listen etc as Ivy-Rose Opal delves into poetry, music and more.
A UK Poet writing about poetry...who ever would have guessed?!
BlueWolf Family Substack--Fiction Stories, Non-Fiction Stories (mostly audio). Poetry and Copy-Poetry (audio/text, Original and Copy Music (audio). Socio/Cultural and Political Commentary (text), Serialized Novella, Serialized Novel, Copy Comedy (audio)
Home of the Ferris Island Tales! Short and serialized fiction from S.E. Reid: speculative stories with a spiritual, supernatural, or uncanny twist.
Grow your Substack, connect with your subscribers, and earn the income you deserve with the leading Substack Strategist. A top-3, bestselling Substack.
A project to make poetry publishing more accessible. Tracking 170+ reading periods, with free tools to revise and publish your book.