Come dive into the depths of community care, relationships, activism and identity with insights from a fat, polyamorous, queer, disabled, neurodivergent Filipine-American community care facilitator and health care advocate.
christa is a disabled, fat, queer, neurodivergent, polyamorous filipino-american living in NYC. they write, educate others in patient and self advocacy, build communities through communal care, and do fun, creative stuff with their comrades + pals.
A collection of the finest newsletters with fewer than 1,000 subscribers, with special love given to the under 500 subscriber stacks out there.
Animism meets spirit work, directed by the stars. Articles and workshops from spirit-directed research into myths and folklore, as well as practical experimentation, for realistic, safe, healthy, reciprocal, and wildly creative spirit relationships.
The week's astrological overview in your inbox each Monday. Brought to you by Annabel Gat, a bestselling, expert astrologer.