IRUUR1’s Newsletter

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Conscious interaction with energy. Programming Energy - Science, Politics, Culture, Belief

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IRUUR1’s Newsletter's recommended Substacks

Dr Rima Truth Reports Substack logo
Rima E Laibow MD

Dr Rima Truth Reports Substack

Freedom requires information and action. Our Freedoms are at risk. You'll find fearless truth, irreverence and a lot of dead sacred cows here. No political correctness need apply at this Substack

free subscribers
Electroverse Substack logo
Cap Allon

Electroverse Substack

Accurately documenting the climate.

paid subscribers
free subscribers
Agent131711’s Substack logo

Agent131711’s Substack

I'm a researcher. Come explore uncomfortable Truths in a lighthearted way that makes them easier to digest (and sometimes even hilarious). I publish special deep dives for paid subs on the 1st and 15th, everything else is free.

paid subscribers
free subscribers
Truth Summit logo

Truth Summit

Welcome to the Truth Summit

COVID Intel - by Dr.William Makis logo
Dr. William Makis MD

COVID Intel - by Dr.William Makis

In depth INTEL on COVID-19, Sudden Deaths, mRNA Vaccines, Turbo Cancer, Cancer Treatments, Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Vaccine injuries, H5N1, New Pandemics and so much more...

paid subscribers
free subscribers