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Iowa Writers Collaborative Roundup

About the Substack

Linking readers and professional writers who care about Iowa.

Free Subscription Benefits

  • A roundup of links to current columns by members of the Iowa Writers' Collaborative

Paid Subcription Benefits

  • Paid subscriber support the promotion efforts of the entire group. We hold thank-you events for paid subscribers.
  • Invitation to an annual holiday party with members of the Iowa Writers' Collaborative.
  • Participation in The Office Lounge, a Zoom meeting with Iowa Writers' Collaborative columnists

Paid Subscription Plans

  • $15 a month
  • $125 a year

About Julie Gammack

Founder: The Iowa Writers' Collaborative includes highly regarded, popular, columnists from around the state. Produces the Okoboji Writers' Retreat. Writes Julie Gammack's Iowa Potluck. Having a blast.

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