an online diary by the 🫀 of a traveling writer that dreams, writes and muses on cowboys, disco tunes and the endless question of what if 💫🤠
My name's Bonnie and I am a 19 y/o writer & daydreamer.
Howdy Bonnie! is my creative space where I publish my essays, poems, podcast episodes + more. You're welcome to subscribe to it & dive into a world of illusions, feelings and dreams 🫀💫
In clogs with a blog, wild at heart, and publicly learning to love myself. These letters make frequent stops at personal histories, relationships, communal living, and self-fulfillment. It ain't much but it's honest work.
An experiment in writing for a living. Shared from the Pretty Decent Internet Café.
Lessons, findings and feelings on art, culture and self from the weird girl at the back of the room.