Tv/Film Critic House

About the Substack

A dive into the Tv/Film world.

About houseofqweenstudios

a house of creators loving the world of entertainment and arts.

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Tv/Film Critic House 's recommended Substacks

Spiral of Mind's eye logo

Spiral of Mind's eye

Poetry, short stories and poetic essays

Here's The Thing logo

Here's The Thing

A Substack about life by a 20-something, neuro-spicy singular force. Grab your wine. Let's journey.

estherโ€™s archive logo

estherโ€™s archive

a digital archive of essays, personal musings and memoirs๏ฝก๏ฝฅ:*หš:โœง๏ฝก

Lookinthemirah logo
Amirah Jones


This is a glimpse of what goes on in my mind, where creativity does a lilโ€™ two-step with vulnerability and curiosity. Here, I journey through fashion, style, music, beauty, and wellness and embrace my many ideas and thoughts through storytelling.

The Social Scientist   logo
Imani Marie Joseph

The Social Scientist

A bouquet of prose <3