Let's end techBro reign, stop cults dead, and prevent civilization's fall. Also, watch my YouTube cooking show. If the world's ending, we should eat and laugh more, no?
I'm a SUB with a STACK, alongside other SUBS with stacks. We're RESTACKING to reach the stack's TOP, only to realize we're still the same SUB. Thanks, SUBSTACK! https://bit.ly/47Qb5cZ (theme song)
Reflections of a Scotswoman, now unfurling and writing after a life working in global development.
Welcome to Senetta Diane's newsletter, your daily infusion of inspiration and encouragement! In a world often filled with challenges and uncertainties, I believe that a daily dose of inspiration can make a significant difference in your life.
🌟 Boob Marley's Substack: Where fiction meets reality in a whirl of fun, thought, and the unexpected. Dive into stories that tickle your fancy, articles that enlighten, and a fresh take on the world today. It's not just a read; it's an experience!