Dispatches from my hospital bed. Writing on writing; sex and drugs and music, TV shows and writers I admire, my memories, among other matters.
Writer. My Beautiful Laundrette. Sammy and Rosie Get Laid. Venus. The Mother. Le Week End. The Buddha of Suburbia. The Black Album. Winner of the Whitbread Prize, and the PEN/Pinter Prize. Fellow of King's College London and awarded the CBE.
The number of free subscribers for THE KUREISHI CHRONICLES over time since it was added to the directory.
Free from all forms of censorship that pervade our media, Žižek evokes and provokes philosophy, politics, culture, and so on.
Stories, anecdotes, wise proverbs and foolish thoughts, literary musings, insights and conversations centred around my personal, unpublished notebooks
I have written over twenty books, including seventeen novels, and won the Booker Prize for fiction. Words are my faith, novels my passion, great novelists my paragons of truth. You might think I should get out more. You are right.
News and new writing about Orwell, his legacy and the prestigious Orwell Prizes.