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Gregorio’s Substack

by Gregorio Enrique Sandoval

Gregorio’s Substack

About the Substack

My personal Substack

About Gregorio Enrique Sandoval

PhD in the biological sciences since 2001, fired from my ~16 year position in my university for refusing the viral RNA products AFTER the Supreme Court decision about employer-mandated vaccination.

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Gregorio’s Substack's recommended Substacks

Alexander News Network (ANN): Trump's War 2.0 for America logo
Dr. Paul Alexander

Alexander News Network (ANN): Trump's War 2.0 for America

Politics, Trump's war, his battle for USA, the good bad & ugly; fake COVID-19: natural immunity; innate immunity; vaccines; no vaccines for children; early treatment; lockdowns; taking back freedoms liberties

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Talking Politics and Issues Newsletter logo
Talking Politics and Issues

Talking Politics and Issues Newsletter

A platform to express opinions on politics and issues.

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JovanHuttonPulitzer’s Newsletter

CRAP - Culture, Race and American Politics! (Free Newsletter) FIRE AXE - Forensic Integrity Research and Education with Advanced eXfiltration Engagement (Subscription Newsletter) OVER 36,900 SUBSCRIBERS!

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